Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why I Had To Air My House Out Two Times Today.


I have got to be the biggest idiot in the entire world. Seriously? yep, pretty sure. I had to air out my house two times today. Wanna know why? Keep reading as I share my humiliation for the world.

Being the bright, perfect, always-under-control wife that I am, I totally forgot to make tea for lunch today. Normally, thats fine ( we just drink something else) however, today it WASN'T ok because we don't have anything else to drink. Sooooo I hurry up and throw some tea in the microwave while Titus (my husband) is dishing out the soup. I'm busy putting some sugar in the pitcher when I start to smell this HORRIBLE was like burning hair or something. Well I asked Titus if he could smell it too and he said yea but it was probably just the soup he dribbled on the stove. So I go over to look, because we have gas burners and I though maybe some of the soup leaked into the little holes where the flame comes out.

There's a drop of soup the size of a pin head.

Meanwhile the smell has gotten worse but I decided maybe our neighbors were burning cake or something and go about making my tea. I open the microwave and IT happens. BAM with the force of 1000 armed men. I start to gag and then I start to cry and then I start to fume. So, here I am gagging, crying and fuming. Titus is about to have a panic attack wondering what is wrong with me ( ok, maybe not but it sounded good). 

What was wrong you want to know? Well, I already told you! I put some tea in the microwave. DUH. However, that was ALL I put in there. Yes, I forgot the water. It was ONLY the tea bags. 
( oh stop looking so angelic, like you've NEVER done anything that retarded before? ok, maybe not that retarded.)

The whole microwave was smoking and by now it smelled more like burning flesh than burning hair. I grabbed the jar and carried the whole thing to the sink and set it down. Well, no sooner does the jar make contact with the cold water than it just cracks and falls to pieces right there in my sink. How rude! 

 Now let me explain the crying part. If you were on a budget and you just wasted a whole gallon of tea, you would be crying too. Tea is expensive these days hun.

The worst part of this whole catastrophe? I just spent the entire morning cleaning my house with all the doors and windows open to let in the glorious fall air while burning candles and spraying all sorts of yummy-make-you-want-to-eat-them air fresheners so the house would smell great. Which, it did until I learned how to burn tea. Um, that was not one of the projects on my to-do list today.

So, now my house is getting aired out and "freshened" for the second time today. No, I don't think it's overkill.  (I may be OCD, but I have got to get these urges under control. Pray for me)

The moral of this story is: 

1. AWAYS use water when you make tea. ( it doesn't work the same way without it. Substitute if you have to)

2. Never forget to make sweet tea.

3. Keep lots of candles in the house. (if you burn the tea, you will need them)

Now if you want to know the reason why I posted this particular blog as my very first blog eva, it's simple really. So everyone can laugh at me and make sarcastic comments about burning tea everytime they see me from now on till the day I die.